From there, you will be able to select Reroll Vault Contents. How do you reroll vault contents?Ī: You can reroll your vault contents by opening up the game and going to the settings menu.
If you choose to create a new character, it will cost $1.99. When you start the game, you will be asked if you want to create a new character or continue playing with your current one. How do you reroll in casino heist?Ī: To reroll in casino heist, you need to buy a new character. How many setups are in the diamond casino heist?Ī: There are three setups in the diamond casino heist. Other heists have an unknown payout, so its impossible to say which will give you more money. Which Diamond Casino Heist gives the most money?Ī: The Diamond Casino Heist is the only one that gives a guaranteed payout. How do I cancel my vault contents casino heist?Ī: You can cancel your vault contents casino heist by going to the main menu and selecting cancel. The answer to the question is that you need to complete the game so it can be cancelled.įrequently Asked Questions How do you cancel the casino heist in GTA 5?Ī: You can cancel the heist by pressing the Escape button on your controller. The â��cancel casino heist glitchâ�� is a question that has been asked many times. If you find yourself stuck in a casino and canâ��t seem to leave, hereâ��s what you need to know.